Where Bacteria Lingers

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Does the thought of bacteria give you the creepy crawlies? Well, you can be harboring this hazardous element in bath toys, toothbrushes, sippy cups and other places. Believe it or not, bacteria can be hiding in places you never thought it would be. Think your bathtub is in the clear? Guess again. Those playful plastic bathtoys are actual a breeding ground for E.coli, streptococcus, staph and other germs. Play it safe by allowing toys to dry out, whether it's out of the bathroom or out of the house. Scrub toys with rubbing alcohol, mild bleach, hydrogen peroxide or water and vinegar. For a seamless way to put a damper on the dinge, run toys through the dishwasher. After cleaning, rinse all toys with water. Toothbrushes can also be a hot spot for bacteria. In addition to germs that come out of the mouth, children are also at risk for bacteria that lingers in the bathroom. To avoid contamination, toss your toothbrush every three months. If your child is sick, get rid of the toothbrush asap. Never leave toothbrushes exposed or on the counter. Allow toothbrushes to air dry. At the same time, don't keep them in sealed containers.