5 Ways to Show Him You Care

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Actions speak louder than words. Sometimes it takes more than the magical phrase to show you care. Maybe you are looking for a way to smooth things over after a big blow-up, or perhaps you just want to do something that makes him feel special. There’s no need to go overboard to leave a lasting impression. Even the smallest gestures say so much. We’ve all heard the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, and it’s true. Make the best part of waking up breakfast in bed with his favorite foods. If he’s crunched for time, pack him a gourmet lunch, complete with a nice note. Show him your sweet side by baking a batch of cookies or brownies. Talk about love at first bite! Do you care enough to send the very best? Surprise him with a heart-warming card. Cards are ideal for those people who have trouble expressing their profound emotions for someone else.