5 Dating Rules That You Should Not Break If You Want To Succeed at Dating

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Generally, pursuit is in the genes of a man. If you make it easy for him, he will not find you half as interesting as if you present a challenge. He might be flattered at first, but he will lose interest quickly. Don't believe me? Next time you are dating, try holding back just a little bit and see how much it sparks his interest.

Rule #3 - Don't Expect Too Much Too Soon

Don't think that you are in a relationship just because you've had a few dates or he seems really into you. If you want to succeed at dating, you must take it slowly and be patient. When you start to display premature expectations of a relationship, everything changes and he starts to feel pressurised. Make sure you stay cool if you want to get that guy.

Rule #4 - Don't Reveal Too Much Too Soon

We women are fairly open creatures and we like to be honest. When we feel close to someone it is easy for us to open up and spill everything out about what has gone wrong in our lives and relationships. When you first meet a man, resist the urge to tell him anything that he might interpret negatively. It is easy to put a man off with tales of past boyfriends or premature confessions, so be on your guard and save these for when your relationship is stronger.