5 Ways to Take Control in the Bedroom

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Be the one to initiate sex, and tell him you are taking control. Give specific instructions on just where you want to be touched and how, and speak with authority. It's OK to feel somewhat silly when you are first trying out your inner dominatrix, and it's OK to break character to laugh. Confidence will come with experience and practice. Just remember to have fun with this new erotic adventure.

Tip #2 - Be a Flirt and a Tease

Anticipation is a powerful tool. In fact, the lead-up to the actual touch can be even more exhilarating than the touch itself. So take your time and let him know that you will get to him when you're ready. If he protests, reaffirm that you are the one deciding the tempo of this affair.

You could begin with a striptease, allowing him to look but not touch. Another move is the reverse striptease - allowing your lover to see you naked, perhaps in the morning before work, then dressing and preventing any physical contact for the whole work day - which will plant seeds that can only be realized several hours later.

Teasing with touch when he's still fully clothed and removing clothing piece by piece when you are ready will draw out the experience. If you suspect he is getting too excited, pull back or focus on another body part.