After Infidelity: Make up or Break up

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- Expresses sincere remorse and regret for cheating on you

- Heartfelt apologies feel true when you hear them

- Accepts total blame for his or her betrayal

- Cuts off all contact with the third party

- Shows a renewed appreciation, admiration, respect and devotion to only you

- Displays a willingness and openness to talk about what happened

- Is willing and eager to go into marriage counseling with you

If both of you are willing to participate in a deep, open, and honest conversation regarding your relationship and how you would like it to progress, there is a good chance you will be able to work through your issues.

If, on the other hand, your partner is not open to discussing these things with you and not demonstrating any of the possible reconcilement signs listed above, it may be time to cut your losses and get out. Additional signs that it might be time to end the relationship are: your partner seems to be more agitated than usual and seems to emotionally and physically withdraw from you.