Tip to Save a Marriage

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If your marriage is on the rocks, you should understand the exact problem before doing what is needed to solve it. Here is my tip on how to save a marriage for all couples whether they just got married or have been married for some time.

It does not really matter if you are a man or woman. Nor does it matter if you manage all the bills and look after children. Rather what it matters is that you should take the initiative to solve all problems in maintaining healthy and loving relationships.

The most important thing is not to argue with your partner and keep thinking you are right.

Being defensive or egoistic only succeeds in making her feel suffocated and causes your partner to drift further away from you even if you are staying under one roof and sleeping together. Instead, learn to control your emotions and be calm however hard it may seem initially.

Another important point to remember is to never ever beg for the your partner to return to you if things get heated up. Instead you need to provide a space for your partner by allowing him or her to stay and spend time with family. Doing this will improve your self-esteem.