Say Cheese: Snapping the Perfect Family Picture

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This doesn't mean you should eliminate the use of backgrounds, it just means that if your intent is to focus solely on the family then keep the background simple.

Using Flash When Taking Pictures

We often think of using the flash feature of our cameras when we are indoors. However, using the flash outdoors can also be helpful, particularly on a cloudy day. If you are shooting pictures of the family outside and it's cloudy, use the flash.

The flash can also be used outdoors when it's bright and sunny. If your family is wearing any type of hat outdoors, it can cast dark shadows on their faces. A flash will help to lighten those dark shadows and show their facial features.

Change the Location of Those You Are Photographing

You can create more interesting photographs by changing the location of those you are photographing. Try something new instead of the typical look of the family standing in a straight line for a picture.

Many times, we take family pictures with mom and dad in the middle and the children in front, lining them up from shortest to tallest. Create a triangular look by having one person as the center and the rest of the family creating a line on either side of the center person. This gives a 3-dimensional effect.

We also tend to center people when we are taking pictures of them. An interesting look can be created when your subject is off center.

You can also have everyone gather in close together and do a close-up of their faces. Try to think of new ways to capture the entire family by moving them around to different spots.

You can also try having family members sit at different levels. To accomplish this, utilize stools or steps. Or you could have some family members kneeling, some standing and others sitting. This gives variation which can be visually appealing.