The Best Online Jobs You Don't Know About

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Work-at-home jobs aren't just for moms and retirees anymore. There are plenty of legitimate online jobs available as more employers hire people to fill virtual positions within their companies, both as employees and as freelance contractors. 

Regardless of why you want to work from home, you'll need motivation and the ability to work without much direction or supervision. Often the only point of contact with a virtual employer is through emails and invoices, so it is imperative to be highly organized and independent. 

It doesn't matter what your skill set is – there likely is a great online job just for you. From writing to designing, the job market at your fingertips has never been better. 

The following is a list of the best online jobs you didn't know about. While some jobs have been available as work-from-home opportunities for quite a while, others are relatively new, as employers see the value in hiring someone to complete the work without having to provide workspace. Before applying for a position, make sure you understand the employment arrangement. Some online jobs are freelance contactor positions, while others might offer full employment with salary and benefits.