Is Your Child a Lost Cause?

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If you do give your child any of these things, you may want to put a rider on the agreement that they're only to be used (or worn) in the house or when you're accompanying your child anywhere. Keep all chargers and accessories together in a bag. You may even want to label them so there's no mystery as to what goes with what. Don't let your child take these goodies to school, parties, camp or other places where they're likely to go MIA. Even the most responsible child is eventually going to misplace something, here are a few gentle approaches to handing the big loss. Use empathy and explain we've all been through it. If your child frequently loses things, ask your child why it keeps having. Make sure there are consequences. Do not replace the lost item without a consequence. Make your children do chores or spend their allowance to help cover the costs. Make your child prove he's responsible before replacing the items.