The 10 Best Foods for Kids

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#2 Best Foods for Kids - Tuna

Skip the breaded and fried fish sticks and switch to tuna. Tuna fish is a wonderful source of Omega-3 fatty acids, the healthy type of fats that our bodies need. These essential fatty acids are important to brain function, growth and development.

Omega-3 fatty acids also reduce the risk of a number of serious conditions. It has also been shown that babies who do not receive enough when in the womb are at a greater risk of developing nerve or vision problems.

There have been some concerns with tuna because of mercury contamination. As with anything, eating tuna in moderation is the key. Children can eat 1 or 2 servings per week of canned solid white albacore tuna or light tuna.

A healthy lunch for your child would be a nice tuna sandwich using low-fat mayonnaise, a piece of romaine lettuce and serving it on whole grain bread. You can also serve tuna on whole grain crackers or over a bed of lettuce.