The 10 Best Foods for Kids

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#8 Best Foods for Kids - Baked Potato

Forget the fries and try a baked potato. This is a much healthier alternative to fat-drenched, greasy French fries. Baked potatoes contain fiber and potassium. You can also top your baked potato with some of your favorite vegetables, low-fat cheese and/or salsa.

#9 Best Foods for Kids - Cheese

Low-fat cheese is another great source of calcium. Melting cheese on top of vegetables combines the forces of 2 healthy foods into one (bonus points if you add the mix to a baked potato). Grilled cheese sandwiches made with whole grain bread is a great lunch. String cheese or chunks served with apple slices make for a great snack. Because of the fat and cholesterol content, cheese is best consumed in moderation.

#10 Best Foods for Kids - Peanut Butter

Assuming your child doesn't have a peanut allergy; peanut butter can be a way to provide protein and fiber in your child's diet. Peanut butter sandwiches are a popular choice for children but you can also use it as a dip for fruits, such as apples and bananas or vegetables, like celery.