A Bedtime Routine For Your Baby

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One of the most famous bedtime routine that almost all parents do is reading stories to the baby at night. This ritual has many benefits - it introduces your baby to the new world where he would grow up to be through a huge vocabulary and is a step towards acquiring skills of language.

Singing is another idea. Sing a popular song and let the process grow into a tradition in your family. By and by your baby will understand that when the song ends its time for him to get some shut-eye.

On the way to the bed, bid good night to inanimate objects in the house like favorite toys and other items. You can also include pets and other family members - this way your baby will get acquainted with the various things in the house and would begin to understand and identify things by their names. Leave out no stuffed toy because they would be his childhood playmates for sometime.

A host of other activities could be included in your bedtime routine. Indulge yourself and the baby with the fun methods and let them be a great time for the two of you.

Steph Winston is a mother and author. See more of her articles at Babies Info and Special Baby Blankets

Article Source: Parenting Article Library