How to Make Eyes Look Bigger

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Wondering how to manipulate your eye makeup to make those peepers really pop? There's no better or faster way to go glam than simply concentrating on the eyes. There are a few tricks that makeup experts use to make eyes look their widest to achieve that doe-eyed look. First, start with eyebrows. Tidy up, especially underneath brows. Just a few errant hairs can draw attention downward and make eyelids look smaller. Be careful as always not to overpluck, and fill in bare spots with a brow pencil. Next, use a peachy-hued concealer under eyes instead of a yellowish one. It'll cover blue-toned circles better and make eyes look whiter. A brightening eyeshadow primer helps, too. Next, apply eye shadow. A smoky eye might be all the rage, but jewel tones will achieve the same effect and make eyes look brighter - try rich, smoldering violets, greens and golds, which complement all eye colors and lighten the smoky look. Concentrate the most intense eye shadow color at the lash line, particularly in the middle. When the color appears more intense in the middle and fades out to the edges, then you emphasize the widest area of your eyes.