Healthy Lunchbox: Pack Lite

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Going out to lunch is a favorite pastime of employees everywhere. Pop into just about any of your favorite dining hot spots and you'll see long lines and hungry faces. While going out to lunch every day may seem like a great reward for a long morning of hard work, it actually comes at a high price - not just in dollars, but in calories as well.

When you're surrounded by fast food restaurants on every side, it's easy to give into temptation. It's no secret that filling up on high-calorie, high-fat foods will contribute to your own personal obesity crisis, But there are ways to take these factors out of the equation, which is where brown bagging it comes in handy. There's a lot to be said for packing your own lunch, especially when you get some creativity involved. Why not throw last night's leftovers in a Tupperware container and enjoy them for lunch?