The Ancient Japanese Secret for Staying Trim
Today's Diet & Fitness Tip
Japan has 30 percent fewer obese people than the United States - how do they do it? There are plenty of tricks and healthy eating habits that we can learn from the Japanese. The idea of tiny portions of lots of different foods is one that... Read More
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The Biggest Excuses Not to Exercise: Debunked!
According to the Department of Health and Human Services, more than 30 percent of Americans are obese (defined as having a BMI rating...
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The Importance of Rest for Muscles
Ask any professional body builder what they do when they're not working out, and you'll quickly find out it has nothing to do with...
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5 Ways to Add Fitness to Your Life
These days, it's hard to turn on the television for more than fifteen minutes without seeing at least one commercial talking about weight...
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