How Yoga Stretches Can Help You Lose Weight

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By Tom Dahne

With hundreds of weight loss programs out there, it can get difficult to choose one that will actually give you results. So if you are tired of looking around here and there to find the perfect solution for your weight loss problem, it's time you go for some change and try out something different, such as yoga. Yoga can greatly assist you in losing weight since it directly influences and works on the core areas by helping your change your own lifestyle. Along with your dieting plan, start to do a few a simple and easy yoga stretches every day to see amazing results.

1. Look for a Yoga Class for Newbies

To lose weight with yoga you really don't need to be an expert practitioner nor do you require a large amount of effort. You can be at a starting phase and still work towards your weight problems. What really matters here is that yoga works in your favor by changing you from the inside, which will help you melt away those extra pounds over time. It's not a process that you speedup with force, but something that takes place gradually with time. Start away by finding a suitable yoga class for beginners near your place and commit yourself to it by practicing at least twice a week.

2. Spend A Few Minutes Practicing Your Chosen Poses

Yoga consists of 10 primary poses, which have endless variations. Choose two poses that you're comfortable with and find easy to do, and practice them morning/evening. This should not take more than 10 minutes of your time.

For example, let's assume that you went for the cobra and downward dog as the poses that you want to practice at your home. Start the ten-minute session in the mountain pose, while giving extra attention to the alignment, and relax as you're standing in the pose. Then move to the cobra pose. Perform the pose for about five times and make sure you fully relax between each pose.

Finish off the session by performing the downward dog pose, and gradually increase the length of time that you put into the pose, to the point that you're spending close to 90 seconds in the posture.

3. Give Yourself the Opportunity to Lose weight

We all gain weight gradually, it doesn't happen overnight. You didn't have to concentrate or think about gaining the weight you did, it simply happened, because of your very own habits. Altering habits and developing new ones is definitely not easy, especially when you try to bring about the change from the outside. Yoga fills in the gap and helps you change yourself from the inside.