Drinking and Dieting: How Much is Too Much?

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Alcohol can also prevent you from losing weight, simply because your body ends up spending a lot of energy trying to rid itself of the toxins after you drink. Since alcohol dehydrates the body, you can slow down your metabolism and reduce the chances of actually losing weight.

Do You Have to Eliminate Drinking While Dieting?

Drinking alcohol while dieting doesn't always lead to diet sabotage, but it does put you at risk for eating more and overdoing the calories for the day. However, there are some "safe" choices of alcoholic beverages when you're dieting.

A glass of white wine contains between 60 and 80 calories per serving and can be a light, refreshing alcoholic beverage. Add a splash of diet lemon-lime soda to cut calories even more.

A glass of red wine or red wine spritzers contain less than 100 calories per serving and can be a nice complement to dinner.