Have a Healthy Mexican Fiesta

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Stay Single

Those combination platters with a couple of everything can be enough to feed a family. Multiple menu items on one gigantic plate means triple the calories and fat. Flip to the a la carte menu, where you can order sensible single menu items in reasonable portions. One enchilada with spicy shredded chicken is plenty. Order a smart side dish or two, and you'll be full at a fraction of the fat cost.

Make it Sizzle

Baked enchiladas are covered in sauce and a mountain of cheese. Hard shell tacos have been fried in oil, and you can be sure they've soaked up every ounce to pass on to your hips. The best cooking method for weight watchers is the grill. A sizzling plate of fajita-style veggies and chicken makes a filling dinner, and even better, the condiments are served on the side, so you can add toppings in restrained amounts.

A Little on the Side

Side dishes can be friend or foe. Refried beans, unfortunately, have enemy status. Many places cook them with huge amounts of lard or oil. Be bold and see if the restaurant has beans that haven't been refried. Most do, so you can happily have a dish of calcium-rich beans without all the unwanted fat. If your eatery has black beans or brown rice, you can practically make a health food meal out of your fiesta.