What Foods Should You Buy Organic?

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Spinach and Lettuce. Try this nifty experiment. Put a white cut flower in a glass of tinted water and see its color change. Now pretend this is your lettuce in a toxic stew. Thirsty plants like spinach and lettuce drink pesticides in through their stalks, so opt for organic.If you're in the market for conventionally-grown produce, the following options are the safest if you're not going the organic route:

Asparagus: Not as popular with bugs as other vegetables, so you benefit from the much lower pesticide input.

Avocados: Hooray for thick skins! Avocados have one of the lowest pesticide contents.

Bananas and Pineapples: They both have thick, removable skin. Bananas also grow well above ground level and carry a very low pesticide load.

Blueberries: In testing, blueberries showed much lower levels of pesticides than other berries.

Domestic grapes: These are far safer than their imported counterparts, so look for labels to ensure that yours were grown in the United States.

Broccoli and cabbage: Because these cool-weather veggies are not typically plagued by pests, pesticide levels are very low.