Cheat To Lose

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ImageThe Cheat to Lose plan allows for a nice array of variety -- from steak to chicken and fish and things that are typically "off-limits" like breads, pastas, rice, and potatoes. Because the research has shown leptin to be highly correlated with carbohydrates, we strategically manipulate carb intake during the week to keep leptin levels high even when not cheating.

Yet there are rules, such as never stuffing yourself to the point of discomfort - that's not the purpose of the Cheat Day; it's supposed to be something you enjoy, not regret. Besides that, there are not any limits on the types of foods that folks can cheat with.

Eat until you are moderately full and then hit up your next craving when you are hungry again.

During the first three weeks, known as the Priming Phase, expect to lose from 7 to 12 pounds. After moving on to the Core Phase, weight loss usually is about two pounds and two inches every seven days.

The kinds of foods depend on the day, but the typical structure is the main 3 meals with snacks in between. There is protein with each meal to keep blood sugar under control and there are also plenty of healthy fats and a variety of carbohydrates again depending on the day. Here is just one example from the 12 weeks of meal plans included in the book:

BreakfastPumpkin Pancakes
SnackCafe Mocha Protein Smoothie
LunchOven-Roasted Turkey and Cumber Sandwich
SnackBlueberry Cobbler Parfait
DinnerZucchini Parmigiana