Tips for Sticking to Your 2013 Resolutions

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You say you want a resolution? It's a new year, which means new promises to yourself. Making the resolutions is simple -- sticking to them in the real challenge. Here are a few helpful hints for making your resolutions a reality this year.

1) Assess your current situation and determine where you want to be in 5 years. Create a list of things you want to do, places to visit, things you wish to accomplish (you get the idea)...and pick the top two you want to accomplish first. These will the big buckets which will determine what actions you need to take next year!

2) Set realistic goals or resolutions. Don't set yourself up for failure by setting unrealistic goals. Five to ten goals are better than 50.

3) Set a deadline. By setting a target date for accomplishing your resolutions, you will be more motivated to start working on them right away. Don't procrastinate, make excuses or compare yourself with people who have not achieved much...These are obstacles that everyone stumble upon, break away from the crowd!