The Benefits and Effects of Acidophilus

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by Hector Milla

In today's difficult times, getting sick is probably the last thing that any person wants. There are food supplements, vitamins, and other things that could help us to stay physically fit; people are more aware of the benefits that these things offer the body.

Acidophilus is a nutritional supplement that maintains the "normal" balance of good bacteria in the intestines. It helps maintain intestinal health and serves as a natural antibiotic

It is often added to soda or milk, and it may come in the form of capsules, tablets, suppository, and powder. Acidophilus contains one or more types of good bacteria like lactobacillus casei, lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus bulgaricus, streptococcus thermophilus and bifidobacterium bifidus.

The gastrointestinal tract contains more than 400 different kinds of bacteria. Our bodies need beneficial bacteria to be able to manufacture B vitamins, antibacterial substances, and to produce lactase.

The human digestive tract maintains a balance of good and bad microorganisms. Microflora are healthy microorganisms that reside in the digestive tract. As people grow older, the proportion of healthy microflora declines and can't effectively protect us from certain diseases. That is why we need more acidophilus.

Probiotics is the supplement form of microflora, and for many years, it was used to increase the number of good/healthy bacteria to prevent and even treat health conditions.