Cool Cooking Gadgets for Kids

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Do your children love spending time with you in the kitchen? If so, maybe it's time to start teaching them simple cooking lessons by letting them help you prepare the family meals. Letting your kids help in the kitchen can be both instructive and fun for you and your little ones. If you are ready, you might want to have some kitchen gadgets for kids that will keep them occupied and help them safely learn the ABCs of cooking.

The Salad Spinner

Where would a salad be without clean lettuce? Before you start piling on the veggies, you have to rinse your lettuce in running water. A salad spinner is a terrific solution for separating water from lettuce so that you have dry lettuce to tear up into pieces for your meal.

In order to operate a salad spinner, you or your child will put the wet lettuce inside of the basket inside of the spinner. Then, pop the lid onto the spinner. Your kid can pump, pump, pump the spinner and watch the water fly off of the lettuce leaves. Since salad spinners have stop buttons, your child can stop and start at will. When the lettuce is clean, your child can pour off the water and place the leaves on paper towels until you are ready to tear your lettuce.

What child can resist the actions of pumping the salad spinner, let alone seeing the water flying around inside of a clear bowl?