Holiday Eating Strategies

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Healthy eating usually takes a back burner to rich luscious foods when the holidays come around. Traditional foods laden with fats and calories tempt our palates and we tend to overeat. Vegetables are served in buttery sauces or sweetened concoctions. Fruits are hidden in flaky pastries and syrupy desserts. Candy and cookies are considered a food group. With all these rich and fattening foods to eat, your wellbeing can suffer. Strategies are needed for eating healthier and staying fit during the holidays. Let us explore ways to make new healthy traditions that benefit everyone.

* Take group walks before or after eating a big meal. Play outdoor games that are geared towards the weather conditions.

* Hold competitions with the new fitness games on your game consoles if the weather is bad.

* Search the Internet for recipes to make traditional holiday fare healthier. There are many ways to make delicious substitutions for high calorie ingredients, bad fats, and sugars without sacrificing taste.

* Create fancy salads with fresh raw or blanched vegetables along with fresh or canned fruits for a holiday luncheon. There are many different vegetables and fruits to add that can turn an ordinary lettuce and tomato salad into a masterpiece.