Relationships: Your Best Matches by Astrological Sign

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Romance is one thing; sexual chemistry is another. It is very possible to have an intense sexual relationship with a person of an opposing sign. But once the sparks die down, these relationships don't usually have what it takes to go the distance. Fire and Water is a powerful mix in bed. Out of bed, these two strong-willed people will most likely not find lasting happiness together.

Another way to gauge compatibility is by assessing quadruplicities. The three quadruplicities can be defined as ways of being creative. They are called Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. Cardinal signs include Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn -- these prefer to initiate and create. Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. These signs prefer to stabilize or sustain what has been created or to resist and endure. Mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. These signs attempt to alter or adapt what has already been created.

Knowing another person's sun sign, element and quadruplicity can go a long way toward understanding what to expect from a relationship. It can give you the tools you need to make a relationship work, whether in the workplace, in the family or in the dating world.