Important planetary aspects of the day:
Moon trines Dragon's Head; Moon conjuncts Saturn; Moon quincunxes Mars; Moon squares Uranus; Moon quincunxes Mercury.

Recommended attitudes/ strategies for the day:
Suggestions from the most unlikely of sources may prove to be money-spinners during the morning hours of the day. This is a good time to spend in introspection and contemplation. Avoid egoistic approach to any situation during the afternoon hours. Unnecessary stubbornness and unbridled anger can prove to be your nemesis during this period. Use your rational brain to sort out issues instead of getting emotionally entangled in a web of emotions during the evening hours.

Activities that are highly favoured:
Intake of new medicines; taking first bath after recovery from ailments; purchasing new clothes/ ornaments; maintenance work on musical instruments/ electronic gadgets.

Activities that are preferably avoided:
Surgery on the knees; long journeys towards East and Southeast.

General numerological guidance for the day:
3 and 9 borns will enjoy better luck than others; 6 borns must maintain a low profile.