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The latest, best weight loss formula in a pill comes with the Federal Drug Administration's stamp of approval. It has accompanied by an online customized support program that includes a healthy eating regimen, a portable reference guide, a calorie counter and other resources that will help whittle your waistline.

According, expect to drop 50 percent more weight than you would through dieting alone. So if you prepared to lose 10 pounds using diet and exercise alone, you would lose 15 pounds with the able assistance of alli. So what exactly is alli?

It is a product designed to stop the body from holding on to the fat it consumes.

The makers of alli claim that alli stops the body from absorbing about a quarter of the fat that you eat. So if you're following a calorie-counting, low-fat diet and taking the alli capsules, you are going to get the bang for your buck. Expect to lose at least one to two pounds a week.