TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)

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Their goal is to enable people to take off weight sensibly.

The TOPS' creed states that the desire to change comes from within a person and the most effective way to sustain change is to provide a supporting environment. TOPS provides peer-based support to help dieters meet with other individuals facing the same challenges.

Similar to Weight Watchers, TOPS meetings are conducted on a weekly basis where participants have the chance to weigh in and receive a motivational program aimed to assist members in sticking with their food and fitness plans. With more than 200,000 members throughout the world, the annual fee is affordable at just $20. Meetings are held at community centers, churches, women's clubs, civic centers and other local facilities which vary according to location.

TOPS offers a team of experts well-versed in medicine, nutrition, fitness and psychology. Along with meetings, there also retreats, rallies, and other special events. TOPS also publishes a magazine for members and educational brochures available to the public.