Velcro Kids: Stop Being So Clingy!

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Whether they're babies, toddlers or preschoolers, a case of separation anxiety can hit your child - and you - when you least expect it. The screaming fit that can ensue as you walk out of daycare or even just the child's nursery can send you running back in, but that's a big no-no, according to experts. Another bad idea is trying to slink out undetected.

Experts say that sneaky behavior can break your child's trust in you. Instead, say goodbye cheerfully and confidently, making a quick and painless exit. Like ripping off a Band-Aid, this approach minimizes the pain of a prolonged goodbye but allows your child to know you're leaving - and doing it good naturedly, even if you're faking the smile on your face. Ask caregivers to divert the child's attention after you leave, instead of as a means to distract the child from your exit. As they get older, separation anxiety may get worse because while toddlers understand that you'll be back, they've also learned that there are ways to manipulate you into staying longer - and don't think they won't use them.