Planning the Perfect Picnic

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Nothing whets you child's appetite for adventure quite like a picnic. As the temperatures warm up, it's time to spring into action and plan the outdoor experience for your kids. The best part about picnicking is that you don't need a reason. While it doesn't take much to make your picnic a success, preparation is key. Although you can have it planned out in advance, it can also be a spur-of-the-moment decision. Always keep in mind the weather and be armed with a back-up plan in the event that things turn foul. Next, decide on a menu. From sandwiches to fried chicken, the sky is the limit. Make it seasonal. For spring and summer, burgers, cold salads, lemonade, watermelon and chips are perfect for the occasion. Fall for apple pie, apple cider, corn on the cob, pumpkin pie and turkey sandwiches for those autumn picnics. If you can survive the cold, winter outings can be topped off with soups, hot chocolate, sausages and fruit cobbler. If you want your picnic to be more snack-oriented, fresh fruit, cheese and crackers, hummus and carrots, and deviled eggs are all great finger foods that can be enjoyed just about anywhere.