5 Signs He Might Be Cheating

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Your partner is perfect in every way – or so you think. Perhaps you have a nagging suspicion he's not being completely honest with you sometimes. Maybe the signs of cheating have made themselves known, or perhaps you just have a feeling in your gut. Either way, there may be a few indications that you've hooked up with a cheater. Here are a few signs. You're persona non grata on social media. In other words, he doesn't accept your friend request on Facebook; you tweet him and get no reply in return; or you don't see yourself in his Instagram photos. He may be coy about taking digital pictures with you as well – no selfies for this guy, lest he get busted with you. Examine the places and times when he wants to see you. A major red flag would be if he takes you to different places – particularly if they're out of the way or even out of town – each time you go out. There's nothing wrong with wanting to try new places, but many men have a particular place where they like to hang out.