Are Your First Date Expectations Too High?

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The heady excitement of meeting a potential new romantic partner can make it easy to elevate your expectations too high when you make that first date. Many people walk into a first date with preconceived notions and walk out severely disappointed that their date didn't meet their high standards. First of all, consider the way you and your date met - was it online? If so, then take your expectations of physical appearance down a notch. People infrequently look exactly how they do in pictures when you see them in person. Cut your date some slack if he or she has a different hairstyle or doesn't look as thin in real life. If it's obvious that the person's appearance is drastically different than portrayed online, that's one thing. But it's not deceptive if certain aspects are inaccurate in person. Don't be too hard on a date that's tardy to the party.