Making an Interfaith Relationship Work

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In a melting pot like the United States, it makes sense that when people are looking for a mate, they may gravitate to people who have major cultural and religious differences. Melding those cultures and religious affiliations can teach tolerance and celebrates the diversity that makes the country what it is. But sometimes the differences among the faiths make a relationship a challenge, if not nearly impossible. Here are a few ways to make an interfaith relationship work – and when to throw in the towel. Usually, interfaith relationships work best when neither partner is particularly devout in his or her beliefs. When one person is more committed to their faith than the other, then the relationship can become a power struggle for who controls spiritual aspects such as holidays and how to raise children. It's important to recognize first of all that unless we grew up in exactly the same families, we are going to have cultural differences. Facing those issues head-on and promptly in a relationship is the first step. Successful interfaith couples credit communication and compromise as factors in their relationships.