Ways to Make a Long-Distance Relationship Easier

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Despite what you - and the people who condescendingly wonder why you can't just find a significant other in the same zip code - might think, it is possible to have a successful long-distance relationship. The first step in making your LDR easier is to outline your expectations and your partner's from the get-go. If your partner is moving and you're staying behind, set a timetable for when he or she will come back or when you'll join him or her. If there's no end to your time apart, then there's nothing to work toward, which puts the relationship in permanent limbo - not a good thing. Another subject to broach before the big move is how your relationship will change. Of course, being apart requires a tremendous amount of trust. Think about the parameters you want to set for the relationship, whether you'll open it up to dating other people or keep it exclusive. Both partners must be on the same page, regardless of the arrangement you choose.