Why Don't My Privates Look Like a Porn Star's?

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Some women do it to even out the skin folds, but the reality is that uneven labia are the norm. There are creams that allegedly can lighten the color of the skin down there, but they've proved unreliable and downright dangerous in some cases. Another way the media "fakes" that look of perfect genitals is through Photoshop - altering print and online /images is very easy and commonly done. What you see in a photograph is not necessarily how the model looks. Whether to keep pubic hair or not is a personal choice, but that hair is there for a reason, and that's to prevent unwanted bacteria from entering the vagina. How you want your genitals to look is up to you, but it's important to know that what you see in the media is not the norm. You probably already possess healthy, normal - and yes, attractive - genitals.