Your Online Dating Profile Is Terrible: Here's Why

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If online dating isn't working out for you, then don't be so quick to blame the potential matches you're unsuccessfully pursuing. If you're consistently striking out – or just getting no response at all – then start with a look at your profile. It might be worse than you think. Experts and those who get results on online dating sites have some tips for ways to optimize your profile and make more successful matches. First, start with the first thing most online seekers see – your picture. Many sites offer users numerous pictures. For example, Match.com has the opportunity for users to upload up to 26 images! That's a lot to scroll through when someone's checking you out, but if there's just ONE bad one in the batch, prospective matches are likely to zero in on it instead of the more complementary ones. A couple of great pictures is much better than dozens of mediocre ones. Some rules of thumb when choosing and taking pictures: get out of the bathroom. The lighting is terrible, selfies tend to require odd postures, and who knows what sort of items could end up in the picture – personal products or a filthy bathroom are surefire turnoffs.