5 Gay Marriage Splits That Stunned

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Same-sex celebrity couples weather the same types of storms as any hetero pair, including cheating partners, miscommunication and plain old personality conflicts. And just like straight couples, some gay marriage splits come as a complete shocker. Below are 5 high-profile breakups that stunned. 

1. Jane Lynch and Lara Embry 

In a less than Glee-ful end to a whirlwind romance, actress Jane Lynch this summer announced she and wife Lara Embry would seek a divorce after just three years of marriage. 

The couple met in 2009 at a San Francisco fundraiser, at which Lynch was a presenter and Embry – a clinical psychologist – was being honored. The couple wed in May 2010 in a low-key, private ceremony held in a Massachusetts restaurant. Massachusetts is one of few states where gay marriage is legally recognized.