Redefining Balance

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It's crunch time. Not at work-work, though. At mom-work. It's the countdown to my daughter's school musical. And in school theater world, that's what we call a crazy busy week. So ...

as I sit here at the school late in the evening waiting for rehearsal to end ...

after spending the last week coordinating two weeks' worth of dinners for the 40 member cast and crew ...

after spending the morning helping our super high octane parent costume designer with costumes ...

after rushing to my office to get my "real" work done only to rush back to the school to meet the caterer ...

after feeding the 40 ravenous thespians and realizing that if I go home now, I'll only have to turn right back around for pick-up ...

... after all that, I'm sitting here at an empty desk in an empty classroom with my laptop open wondering, "Hmm, what should I write about in my next article?"

Just as my mind starts to envision a juggler performing a spectacular, jaw-dropping balancing act, a high octane CEO/mom/volunteer races into the room. Still in her work clothes and a bit out of breath, she starts to describe how crazy her work day has been while in the same breath talking about her efforts to organize gifts and flowers for the directors of the musical and get playbills signed before opening night.