Let Them Play: Why Recess Is Important

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But what's being left behind are those lessons that can't be learned in the classroom - children learn to socialize, resolve conflicts, negotiate, follow each others' rules, solve their own problems and exercise their all-too-often inactive bodies. The American Academy of Pediatrics has even weighed in on the value of play, issuing a report that says, "Play allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive, and emotional strength." So what should you do if your child is missing out? Talk to your child's teacher and school administrators. If there's no action taken, then mobilize like-minded parents. There are many out there who would like to see their children getting that all-important break. Just 15 minutes of play per day makes a difference. You get a government-mandated 15-minute break at work; shouldn't your kids?