How to Put off a Haircut

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There are so many reasons to avoid the salon. It's expensive, time-consuming and can be boring, especially when you feel like you need to go every six weeks or so. But there are ways to delay the inevitable. First, start in the shower. A good-quality shampoo formula that's tailored to your hair type - dry, oily, color-treated, etc. - is a great way to keep hair in tip-top shape. Dry, brittle ends are a dead giveaway that it's time for a trim, so a moisturizing shampoo can keep ends looking their best. Try to hold off for as long as you can when it comes to washing. Wash less, and you'll keep from subjecting your hair to damaging hot water and all the products and heat styling associated with your post-washing routine. Deep conditioning treatments go a long way in keeping your hair looking its best - invest in a deep conditioner and use it at least once a week - more if you have thick hair.