Making Scents: How to Apply

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Does yours have trouble lasting long enough? Coming on too strong? No, we're not talking about men - we're talking about the tendency for perfume to have a mind of its own. So if you're dousing on a pricey potion or don't think yours goes the distance, listen up. First of all, when selecting a scent, don't just grab your BFF's bottle off the shelf because you think it smells nice on her. People have different body chemistries, so fragrances react differently. What smells great on you might not smell so nice on another person. And if you want something potent that will go the distance, look for a label that says "Eau de Parfum" or simply "perfume," instead of "Eau de Toilette," which translates into "toilet water." Basically, Eau de Toilette means a more watered-down, less concentrated formula that won't stay on long.