The Best Beauty Scents to Lift Your Mood

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Different odors can evoke powerful memories and lift your mood, in some cases. Some natural scents have been proven to have an effect on mood and even your libido. Read on to learn about how some common aromas may affect you. If you're in a funk, need a little energy or just a boost, try something scented with real cinnamon. Heat up some apple cider with a couple of cinnamon sticks and enjoy the scent while it's on the oven; cinnamon acts as a gentle stimulant and an aphrodisiac! Another libido-lifter is ginger. Grate up some fresh ginger and add to boiling water to enjoy the exotic smell. It also is a natural tummy and body-ache soother, perfect for those yucky winter viruses. Strain the warm ginger brew and add honey and lemon for a healing drink. Fresh-cut grass is another scent that stimulates the senses. Mowing is good exercise with a push mower, and the sweet, intense smell can lift your spirits. If you're feeling stressed, stay outside and find an evergreen.