Developing and Treating Spider Veins

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Spider veins are veins that develop slightly under the surface of the skin where they are easily seen. The veins are made of small blood vessels and capillaries that are no bigger than 1mm to 3mm in diameter. These veins are not restricted to one area of the body and can easily develop anywhere. The most common area where they develop is on the legs and ankles. The second most common area where they are found is the face around the chin and nose. Over time, spider veins grow and can stimulate discomfort in the legs. This discomfort has been described as a feeling of heaviness, itchiness, and cramps. They will look like fine red, purple, and blue lines that can be seen through the skin. These lines usually form in the shapes of a starburst or clusters, which resemble a spider's web. This similarity resulted in the name spider veins.

They afflict women for the most part, but they can also be found in men. There are several different factors that can cause or contribute to the development of spider veins including heredity, age, gender, pregnancy, and lifestyle. Heredity refers to whether or not spider veins are commonly found in the family history of a person. If spider veins have been present for generations in a family, it is very likely that this person will also develop them.