How To Cover Facial Flaws

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Judging by the meteoric rise of Factor's empire, his business strategy was a good one. While the micrometer itself didn't last long enough to become a household name, the idea behind it is alive and well. The beauty and entertainment industry together have made us all more aware of our perceived flaws, and have helped instil in each of us our own internal beauty micrometers.

It's true that we're our own worst critics. It's hard to find a woman who can get through life without encountering something she doesn't like about herself. Body flaws can be hidden with clothing, but facial imperfections can be a bit more tricky, and lead to undue stress.

While it doesn't pay to obsess over your faults, it does make a lot of sense to put your best face forward. Fortunately, there are ways to cover facial flaws while still looking natural and beautiful. The key is making your camouflage efforts part of your daily routine and part of your own personal style.