Hair Dye

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.50 (2 Votes)
Highlights are notoriously tricky to achieve with an at-home kit, and most hair color experts suggest you instead opt for dyes with built-in highlights to give your hair the multi-tonal effect. Still, some women love the sexy streaks full on highlighting provides. If a home highlighting kit is a must-have for you, Revlon Frost and Glow ($12.99) might be your best choice. Reviewers rate this product highly for ease of use and overall color-lifting ability. Choose from blonde, honey or chestnut.

For The Guys

Men generally leave the shopping to us, even when it comes to products they'd be better off choosing themselves. When it comes to hair dye, some guys are reluctant to stand in the drugstore line with a product admitting to the world they're going grey. In cases like these, they need a little nudge from the women in their lives. If you're in the market for a hair dye for your man, Just For Men (7.99) is a classic option. It's formulated to cover grey and blend in naturally with his true hair color so it doesn't look "done."