The Anne Collins Diet

ImageAmazingly, this is one diet with nine different plans. That is what is offered by nutritionist and weight-loss expert Anne Collins. Among the programs you can choose from are the Low GI Diet, Low Carb Diet, Balanced Diet, 14-Day Low Calorie Diet Booster, Cholesterol Lowering Diet, Vegetarian Quick-Start Diet, 10 Minute-Meals Diet, Diet For Life and the Vegetarian Diet For Life.

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Coconut Diet

ImageGo cuckoo for coconuts. The Coconut Diet starts where traditional diets end.

Once again, it is deemed a way of life, not just a diet. Known as a healthy fat, coconut oil is made of medium chain fatty acids, which promote thermogenesis, adding to the body's metabolism and producing energy. In addition to boosting weight loss, these medium chain fatty acids also kill fungus, bacteria and viruses.

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Body by God

ImageEven the man upstairs is becoming a part of the obesity issue - or at least his spokesman is. Author Dr. Ben Lerner (chiropractor) describes Body by God simply as the Un-Diet, a plan that calls for you to turn your back on food by man (processed foods) and turn toward food by God, foods that do not leave poisons or fat hanging around in the body. Dr. Lerner created the Un-Diet Food Guide, which will help you exorcize those unhealthy foods.

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The Hamptons Diet

ImageYou can never be too thin or too rich. The Hamptons Diet may not help with money problems, but it promises to assist you in your weight-loss endeavors. Even the average Joe can reap the benefits of this modified low-carb approach to weight loss. The program created by Dr. Fred Pescatore, MD, a former Atkins disciple, asks for a combination of healthy fats and healthy carbs to moderate levels.

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Caveman Diet

ImageOn the prowl for effective weight loss? Take a hint from the cavemen and their normal style of eating. The Caveman Diet, also known as the Paleolithic Diet or the Hunter-Gatherer Diet, draws on a method of eating going back 40,000 years. There is no need to break out the club and spear. Instead arm yourself with the knowledge of how prehistoric man got by... and did it in such a healthy fashion.

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