Hangover Prevention: Sip On This!

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It's New Year's Eve and for many it's an opportunity - or an excuse -- to get downright toasty. Unfortunately, you could end up paying a heavy price tomorrow morning. The only surefire way to prevent a hangover is by abstaining from alcohol, but that doesn't mean you can't give it your best shot at prevention.

For starters, it's good to practice moderation. The last thing you want to do is put yourself at risk for alcohol poisoning. Know when to say when. Throughout the evening be sure to graze so that you have a full stomach which slows down the absorption of alcohol and gives the body more time to metabolize toxins. Be leery of mixing different types of alcohol. If you're a fan of fruity drinks, go slow and keep of track of how much you're drinking. It's easy to overindulge in margaritas, pina coladas and other tropical beverages.