The Secret To Fab Abs

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ImageWhat are some of the most important foods on the Abs Diet for women?
All of the Abs Diet Powerfoods are crucial. They are easy to remember, because of the ABS DIET POWER acronym:

A Almonds and nuts
B Beans
S Spinach and green vegetables
D Dairy, low-fat
I Instant oatmeal
E Eggs
T Turkey and lean meats
P Peanut butter, all-natural
O Olive oil
W Whole grains
E Extra protein (whey)
R Raspberries and other berries
Center your meals around those Powerfoods, and you'll fuel your body with the necessary nutrients -- protein, good carbs, good fat, fiber. I think women need to pay special attention to protein, because it helps build that real muscle that will help you burn fat faster.

Why is the stomach such a tough trouble spot to tone?
For some, belly fat may be the first to go when you start losing weight. But for others, it's the last. I've talked to many moms, of course, who are especially frustrated about the fact that post-pregnancy fat is so difficult to shed. Abs exercises won't make you lose weight -- they'll only strengthen and tighten your core. The way to do it is through smart eating and exercise that will help you burn fat (that is, strength training and those interval sessions).