Autumn Workouts

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Fall is an invigorating time of year to work out. Many times you get that slogged feeling where you don't feel like working out due to the excessive summer heat. Feel refreshed and alive again as the heat and humidity of summer lift. Autumn is one of the best seasons to get outside and enjoy the cooler weather and colorful leaves.

What workouts can you engage in during autumn?

An easier answer to this question is what can't you do to engage in an autumn workout? There's so much to enjoy, you might not get enough time to do it all. While it is still warm enough, go swimming in the nearest lake or ocean. Swimming is a great cardiovascular workout that gets your entire body pumping. It is a fun way to get your entire body in great shape when done on a daily basis. With all the tourists gone until winter arrives, you can have the beach to yourself.

Try canoeing or kayaking amid all the splendor fall has to offer. This is an even better time than summer to canoe or kayak down a river, or a lake because it so much cooler and you will sweat less while getting in a more rugged workout than in summertime. While canoeing you can listen to the birds singing and watch deer gallop in the woods. Fall is also an excellent time to try whitewater rafting -- with a seasoned guide, of course.