Wii Fit: Does it Work?

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Losing Weight with the Wii Fit

The Wii Fit offers several resistance training and muscle building exercise routines, so you won't be getting a vigorous cardio workout with each session. However, the Wii Fit can help you burn a few extra calories while doing some exercises you enjoy.

Military.com ran some tests on the Wii Fit to find out how many calories the average person can actually burn with each exercise. The researchers found that the average female in good shape can burn between 110 and 190 calories per hour with workout challenges including Step Aerobics, Hula Hoops and the Rowing Machine. The Wii Fit can raise the heart rate and increase the metabolism - a plus for anyone who isn't used to exercising regularly.

In order to lose weight and make the most of this fitness device, most people would need to stick with a healthy diet and incorporate at least two cardio sessions into their weekly routine. The Wii Fit can help provide some motivation for those who find it hard to just jump into a new fitness routine and makes it easier to try and stick with new workouts that most people may never try on their own; hula-hooping, playing tennis and running down a soccer field are much easier when you can do it from the comfort of home!